Colorado Legislature Passes Fantasy Sport Bill

On Friday, Governor John Hickenlooper signed a positive fantasy sports bill into law. Please find FanDuel’s statement regarding the bill below:
“The bill is in line with the state’s best governing traditions: smart regulation to protect consumers, but with a light-touch that does not stifle innovation or interfere with access to fantasy sports for the nearly 1 million Coloradans who love to play. We hope Colorado will be an incubator for the many innovative fantasy sports companies that are sprouting up and growing exponentially, and that the state can become a real home for this emerging sector of the tech industry. We want to thank the legislature, in particular the bill sponsors Rep. Majority Leader Duran, Sen. Cook, Rep. Wist and Sen. Minority Leader Guzman, for their leadership on this issue, and Governor Hickenlooper for signing the bill into law and protecting fantasy players in the state of Colorado.”